He is not a minister of internal affairs… He has no legality. He has no authority. Ali Yerlikaya who is a GYPSY and who acted outside of the law to keep over 20 million gypsies in the country because of they got yelled by the certain countries for the past few days is not an official of the state. He is vicious, a troublemaker, he is a very dangerous traitor who should be thrown out of the game immediately.
No state officers or citizens have to pay attention to him.
Do not stop, everyone will push hard. We’ve had enough of them. Let the national struggle begin, let the war of liberation…
We will see who will come and save these gypsy traitors and millions of gypsy invaders that they protect, the NATO, the USA or England?
The governments who are the allies of Turkiye and the internal groups in various countries will do their part.
There will be turmoil in the entire world immediately after Turkiye went into turmoil.
Come on, this has gone on too long. We are overthrowing those who are weakened one after another. Let everyone take action.
The sudden and shocking events on the so-called refugee issues that will occur one after another will be the September 11 of Turkiye? Will it cause balance changes everywhere in the world?

One bastard goes, one bastard comes…
There is neither justice, nor a Judge, nor a persecutor, nor national security, nor the General Staff nor MİT.
Everywhere is a crime scene. The traitors, the bastards are placed in everywhere. There is persecution, treachery, infraction everywhere…
What else can end this crisis, except a legal rebellion of the people?
I want the head of that Abdullah Gül. That head of him will come to Istanbul.
I will send his head to the Gypsy kingdom…
Rebellions will be started in the region of Mersin, Adana, Osmaniye, Hatay, Kilis, Antep, Maraş, Urfa, Adıyaman, Malatya.
Immediately after, there will be rebellions in Muğla, Aydın, İzmir and Manisa.
Immediately after, there will be Trabzon-based rebellions in the Black Sea region.
Immediately after, there will be rebellions in and around Istanbul.
Those countries and organizations can do nothing. I did not and will not allow an invasion. I will give the necessary responses when they want to cross the line.
Turkiye will be cleaned. Everyone should take up their cleaning equipment immediately. Everyone who can use the cleaning equipments will be in the field.
Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya