Much of what is written about China in Turkiye is not true. It’s very clear that these are not true… We fully support the freedom of opinion, expression and the press but no one in Turkiye have the right to continue to write wrong information. Insistently giving wrong information to the people for any reason cannot be considered under the freedom of opinion, conscience and expression.
There may be people who still don’t know, if so, they should learn it. If they continue to do this, then, they should be trialed. Because insistently spreading wrong information in favor of the country on purpose requires trials to be carried out under the espionage for influence or under any other articles of the penal code.
1- China is not one of the world’s rising, strengthening countries and economies… This is a completely unrealistic information and China is one of the world’s collapsing countries…
It is falling apart with major financial and social crises and it is trying to suppress and hide these crises.
All the real indications reveal this truth.
2- Today, China is not the most important or leading alternative country of the USA. China is a hormonally raised country who appears a huge country based on some trading volume but it is a completely empty country…
When you look at the trading volumes and the social life, there is a huge contradiction… The power of China is a deceit… China is a country which is using as a pawn by the western countries and its administrators are even working for the westerners…
It is not in a fight or in a competition with England or the USA and it is not a real alternative of the USA. There are certain parties in the USA and China who know these facts and who are not happy about these. They have representatives in the political scene. Therefore, some problems and challenges between the USA and China can occur under the influence of these parties but not under collusion. These kind of exceptional circumstances do not change the truth before the eyes in the field. China is not really in a competition or in a fight with the West.
Taiwan issue is still a collusion and Taiwan also a pawn who works for the western countries, for the western bosses and families…
3- If China’s competition capacity is weak in the political, military, technological and social fields, how can it be one of the leading alternative countries of the USA?
There are so much false information, false propaganda and false news about China across the world that it must have confused the author of this article. He accepts the real facts about it when he look at China but then he overestimates it under the influence of the propagandas. Or he awares of everything and is doing influence espionage in favor of China. The judicial authorities should make the decisions on this matter.
4- The project “Belt and Road Initiativeis” is collapsed by Istanbul in the last period… It’s collapse is not confessed by China and China supporters…
China’s problems are growing exponentially and is being dragged into disintegration rapidly… Not only the “Belt and Road Initiative” but its so many more projects are already collapsed but they don’t make news about it and don’t confess it.
Even the Shanghai (Crime) Cooperation project of China is rubbish now. A few months ago, the traitors in Turkiye started to talk about the Shanghai Cooperation and all their discourses was soon forgotten with the roar of Istanbul and it all occured one after another and in a very short time…
The propaganda of the Shanghai Cooperation in Turkiye was not taking place because of it is a powerful and promising Cooperation. It is also the same in the world… China is a country that works with bribery, threats, acquisition, blackmails, murders… China’s state system cannot be accepted as a legal state system…
As the African countries which are mentioned in the article, it was able to shape its administrative staff by sending a bunch of money to Turkiye. But now, it can no longer do this neither in Africa nor Turkiye. Because Istanbul’s wind is blowing in Africa as it does in Turkiye.
China is a moneylender and merciless country… It is not lending the countries by making investments. It makes some investments only for appearance to continue to spin its moneylending wheel, binding the administrators to itself, to increase its money laundering businesses with them, also to increase their constant income from the black money businesses and that is how it establish dominance over those countries. China doesn’t want them to pay their debts they owe to China, it interferes the countries’ internal affairs and create the conditions it wants in the countries through the administrators who they bought. And it “officially” seize the asssets of these countries. In appearance, People’s Republic of China and the Communist Party of China are doing the bribery, plunder, terror, human and organ trafficking, drug trafficking, seizing businesses. But in reality, those who are doing all these businesses are the western countries, families and the colonists…
It must be on this Telegram channel up there somewhere. Years ago, I posted some articles about, “Do the Venezuelans eat medicine instead of food” “Does the country really receive medical aid from all those countries?” “Do the Chinese planes and ships really transport medical aid every each time?” “What do they bring on the way back?”. It caused a movement across the world and the countries in collusion were very afraid. In that time, Erkam Yıldırım who the secret Armenian Binali Yıldırım’s son that he uses for his black money businesses was forced to say that “I brought medical kit to Venezuela.” So much truth was revealed. Those publications of mine dragged me to prison and to being subjected mind-blowing slanders on the one hand and on the other hand, these dragged them to be exposed and have major financial losses.
I have been telling these for years… Many countries of the world are artificial countries… They have no real boundaries, flags, regimes, nations, causes and they are established by the force of someone elses. Qatar, Saudi America, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Singapore and some other countries are the pawn countries that the western colonists are using to exploit the world… They are not taking any risk and set up games through these pawns of them.
Even the USA is nothing more than a pawn that England established and uses. The well-known power element who lead the world brutally and as he pleases through England the most in the last centuries now want the world to accept China as a super power by force. The same power element did the same for the USA in the near past and it worked. He directed everyone’s acceptances. But the USA has never been a super power in any period of history. It is not a super power also. It is not even a powerful country.
The population, the trading volume, the appearances of an advanced country at some regions do not indicate that it is a really developed, a powerful and a super power country.
Akademi Dergisi | Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya